
(The Original Booresch)
psychedelic punkfolkrock band from Prague


the official czech site

the unofficial czech site

  Hladolet - video

Indies records - mp3

Fumas's acoustic songs - mp3 

 "The B. Yes of", "Co to sem jede", "Prepadli Vas indiani",
"Too Young to Kozi Dech too Old to Fly" - mp3

 "Sneni o snu noci indianske" [fragment], "Mys you were here" [fragment]
"La France live" [fragment] "Too Young to Kozi Dech too Old to Fly"- mp3

 Neuspesny atlet - rock band

Fumas's art (paints, oil, ilustrations)

Hugo's prose and poetry (in czech)

"Cajovy obrad" - mp3

photos * albums * mp3 * links * video
concerts * czech official site * contact: fumas@seznam.cz